Category: Curiosities

A little White Noise

Reader, and blogger on things Calvinistic and other stuff, Lee Shelton IV, doesn’t just have a numerically cool last name. He has skills of an artist (if you think that sentence is grammatically incorrect go here).

He has started a whiteboard cartoon blog called “White Noise”. And I’ll be following along.

So far he has zombies, politics, venn diagrams, and pacman. How could I resist?

The best thing is the lack of comic sans.

Tumblrweed: Literally Unbelievable

The Onion has been around for ages. It’s older than Facebook. Older than YouTube. Almost older than the internet. And yet. Some people still don’t understand that it’s satire.

There’s a great online law – Poe’s Law – that says good satire will be indistinguishable from truth. Literally Unbelievable is a demonstration of the power of Poe’s Law. Capturing Facebookers who don’t know the difference between the Onion and real news.

The wool bone is connected to the… other wool bone

This woolen skeleton puts a new spin on broken bones being “knit” together.

More photos here, it is quite amazingly detailed.

Big brown bear bean bag

This bean bag would serve more purpose if I lived somewhere that big brown bears lived. It could keep big brown bears in the yard and out of the house by acting as a decoy. Oh well.

For sale on Etsy. It’s like a scarebear (as opposed to a scarecrow, not as opposed to a carebear).

Star Wars Crayons

If only I’d spent more time playing with crayons as a kid and less time trying to eat them or whatever it was I did.

From Flickr.

Imperial Propaganda reveals truth about Star Wars

A few weeks ago the wool was pulled away from our eyes on the question of Super Mario’s innocence. Thanks to the power of propaganda. Now it’s time for us to learn the truth about the empire. Darth Vader was a good guy, painted in a negative light by the victors of the history wars of the future.

Although, there’s a question about who is winning that “culture war” with these rebel alternatives.

From PBH.

Is this Inception Chair just a dream?

Brilliant. A movie reference. Within a chair. Within a chair. Within a… you get it.

Inception Chair. They come apart too. So each chair is a chair of its own right. Or something.

Bacon, Bacon, Night

Van Gogh would have made art with bacon if bacon had existed back when he was alive. That’s the only reason I can think of that he didn’t create art with bacon. Bacon is a relatively recent development, and its PR department has convinced us all that it has been around for thousands of years.

Compare this:

To this:

For a guide to making art with bacon check out this instructable (the bacon starry night has its own entry).

Check out the Scream…

Mario in real life (again)

Ok. So I’ve posted a billion videos like this before, and real life Mario videos have been disappointing since the Super Mario Bros movie. But this is kinda cool.

I don’t remember Mario having a handgun though.

The Batman Complex

Ahh. The art of the remix. Love it.

Christian Bale movies cut together to explain the darker side of Batman’s psyche.

Tintin’s further adventures

So there’s a Tintin movie coming out. Are you, you, you, so excited? You should be.

What you may not know is that the movie that is coming out is just the tip of the iceberg. The Tin Tin franchise is looking to merge with existing movie franchises to make a much bigger splash in the cinematic world.

Ok, so that’s a lie. But the posters are cool, no? They’re from Mr Hipp.

Anti-Mario Propaganda: Maybe he’s not so Super after all

Video games are a victor’s history. We never think of life from the perspective of the poor goombas Mario squishes. How would you like it if a fat plumber jumped on your head?

What Bowser and his mercenary army needs is better PR. And the best type of PR is propaganda. Fro Design have had a go at producing some anti-Mario propaganda posters, and I have to say, my eyes have been opened.

The Beatboxing Cellist

Something for my Cello playing friends to aim for – the beatboxing kicks in at 1:08.

Maybe he should get together with the beatboxing flautist for a bit of a duet.

This guy’s name is Kevin Olusola. Here’s his official website.

Tumblrweed: Animals with stuffed animals

If ZooBorns wasn’t quite cute enough for you, hows about some more cute animals, this time with stuffed animal counterparts? No? I’m not talking taxidermy either. I mean animals of the toy variety. Will that do? No? Well. There’s no pleasing you. For everybody else – check these guys out.

I’m off now to find some sort of content with explosions.

Shirt of the Day: Schroedingers Cat

This is clever. I can’t explain why. But you should read this Wikipedia article if you want some explanation.

$15 from the neatoshop.