Tag: coffee statistics

Just a spoonful of sugar…

Have you ever wondered just how (un)healthy your daily caffeine fix is? For many of us coffee is modern medicine. And some people need sugar. But the more sugar you put in the worse it becomes for you. And nobody wants to be taking medicine that is bad for them. Which is why this little infographic is going to come in real handy.

Check out the full version here.

Coffee by the Numbers

One of the perks of my job is the quantity of industry publications that land on my desk for me to read. This month’s FoodService – a journal for hospitality businesses – includes some facts and figures about coffee. I thought I’d share them with you… they’re from BIS Shrapnel’s Coffee in Australia 2009 – whatever that is…

  • 64% of Australians aged 11 and above drink coffee.
  • 65% of coffee drinkers drink instant.
  • 31% drink a cappuccino
  • 21% drink a flat white
  • 20% drink a latte
  • 10% drink a short black
  • The “food service” coffee market in Australia is worth $435 million – this is the value of the market that the food service market buys it for – I assume that’s not including dedicated coffee houses.
  • The “fully automatic” coffee machine market is worth $270 million a year – which seems odd given the market itself is only worth $435 million.

Milk Facts

  • 52% of consumers drink full cream
  • 19% drink semi skim
  • 22% drink skim
  • 3% drink soy
  • 14% are hardcore and don’t have milk

Purchasing Rationale

  • 70% purchase coffee for pleasure
  • 51% purchase on the basis of flavour