Tag: Disney

Disney movies titled descriptively

Once upon a time Disney changed the name of a movie. From something obscure to something descriptive. What started as ‘Basil of Baker Street’ became ‘The Great Mouse Detective.’

A staffer at Disney didn’t like this much. He wrote a little protest letter, in the form of a memo announcing new names for Disney’s back catalogue. Letters of Note has a copy of the memo.

What Disney Teaches your Children

I copped some flak for posting a similar look at Disney’s unhelpful life lessons… but here are some more.

Via BoingBoing.

Here are the old ones:

Deconstructing Disney

When I passed horrible and scathing judgment on the Little Mermaid the other day people leapt to the poor thing’s defence.

But here’s another analysis of Disney princesses – and it’s not pretty. The fairytale existence isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

And here’s an analysis of the men in the stories…

They deserve each other really.

Marvellous Disney

Disney bought Marvel a couple of weeks ago. You may or may not be aware of this.

It prompted a series of Marvel/Disney mash-ups (like these, these and these) as fans of both came to terms with the new stablemates…

Here are some of my favourites…

Fun with photography

JPGmag has produced a series of photos juxtaposing Disney’s princesses with scenes from everyday life – or indeed – murky every day life… some would say “reality”…

Holiday Pac-ing

Think Pacman is the pinnacle of 80s design? So do Disney. Apparently. They’ve just “retro”-fitted an 80s themed resort with a Pacman exterior.