If you’re handy(wo)manning skills aren’t up to scratch and you need some inspiration check out There, I fixed it. It’s truly inspirational.
Tag: DIY
Mr Fix It
Convenience store convergence
This week I’m all about convergence devices – toasters printing weather forecasts and the like. One day there’ll be a gadget that does just about everything. Oh wait. That’s an iPhone. Apparently I’m getting my work one soon – fingers crossed…
Anyway. I give you. The Trolley Bike. And instructions on how to make one yourself. Thanks to instructables…
Epic fail
A few days ago in my post on coffee snobbery I mentioned that I liked the idea of rewiring my breadmaker so I wasn’t subject to it’s stupid cycles.
I had to wait half an hour for the motor to kick in and spin the beans. Now they won’t spin at all.
It sounded so easy on the website. Just add a wire here, a switch there. It wasn’t. I’ve killed the breadmaker (I think, I’m in the process of rewiring it again).
There was a spark, and a bang as the fuse blew when I turned it on for testing.
My soldering skills aren’t up to scratch and now I’m feeling a little light headed. In a rare moment of wisdom in this little episode I purchased the lead free solder. That could possibly have saved my life.
The breadmaker’s body, when you strip all the plastic off, is quite sharp. I now have cuts on my arms, the back of my hand and a nasty one right on an existing scar on my thumb.
The most annoying thing is the death of the breadmaker. Hopefully I’ll be able to fix it or replace it before the next batch of beans is due to be roasting.
If any of my readers have some electrical expertise and feel like coming around to take a look I’ll make them a coffee.