Geek checklist

Continuing the vein of discussion about whether I’m a geek or a nerd (and in fact whether the distinction is necessary) – here’s a list of ten habits of a geek spouse from Wired. And here’s how I fare…
1. Punning.
Guilty as charged. Really, really guilty. I had no idea that this was a geek thing. 1 point.
2. Swearing in Klingon.
Nope. Not interested. Not really interested in sci-fi – but that doesn’t stop me wearing my Star Wars inspired “Milk I am your Father” shirt. 0 points.
3. Weird or over the top ways of celebrating mainstream holidays.
Not that I can think of off the top of my head. I do however celebrate federal budget night with an annual beer and budget celebration featuring only myself (and my wife who is there in presence not spirit). I’ll give myself half a point.
4. Dissecting movies.
I’m not really a movie geek/film buff. In fact I like really stupid movies that would no doubt annoy those who are film geeks. I certainly don’t point out continuity errors or any time a movie breaks natural law. So no points.
5. Wearing obscure geeky t-shirts to “normal places”.
Well yes, I do that. Lots. It shows just how clever you are. If you understand them. It’s like an idiot filter. 1 point.

6. Requiring extra space in the house for geeky things.
Yes. I have a coffee machine that’s more than a metre wide. I have a breadmaker set up on the back patio for roasting coffee, and I have four archaic consoles sitting in our TV unit. 1 point.
7. Geeky toys/decorations can be hard to explain to kids.
Well I don’t have kids. But I can’t imagine explaining why I own a plastic Bob Hawke drink dispenser will be easy. 1 point.
8. Looking up information while a discussion/argument is still in progress.
In the internet age who doesn’t do this? Really? Maybe it is just me. Very, very guilty. Especially when I know I’m right and I’m just doing it to back up my argument. 1 point.
9. Needing to watch certain TV shows ASAP to avoid spoilers.
Well, I actively seek out spoilers at times – just to stay ahead of the curve. But there are times when I guess this could be true. 1/2 a point.
10. Geeky projects that take over the house and whole weekends.
I guess ripping apart a breadmaker to install a switch bypassing the circuit board is pretty geeky. I like little DIY challenges – like the restoration of my coffee machine. 1 point.

Things aren’t looking so good. Lets count up those points. Drum roll.

6 7 out of 10 by my count. I guess that makes me an annoying geek spouse.


Joel says:

I scored 4. Is there some kind of geek scale that I can put myself on?

toph-online says:

Below is my score for you Nathan….

1. Punning.
YOUR SCORE 1 point
MY SCORE 1 point
2. Swearing in Klingon.
YOUR SCORE 0 point
MY SCORE 0 point
3. Weird or over the top ways of celebrating mainstream holidays.
YOUR SCORE .5 point
MY SCORE .5 point
4. Dissecting movies.
YOUR SCORE 0 point
MY SCORE 1 point
5. Wearing obscure geeky t-shirts to “normal places”.
YOUR SCORE 1 point
MY SCORE 1 point
6. Requiring extra space in the house for geeky things.
YOUR SCORE 1 point
MY SCORE 1 point
7. Geeky toys/decorations can be hard to explain to kids.
YOUR SCORE 1 point
MY SCORE 1 point
8. Looking up information while a discussion/argument is still in progress.
YOUR SCORE 1 point
MY SCORE 1 point
9. Needing to watch certain TV shows ASAP to avoid spoilers.
YOUR SCORE .5 point
MY SCORE .5 point
10. Geeky projects that take over the house and whole weekends.
YOUR SCORE 1 point
MY SCORE 1 point

I score you 8 out of 10 Nathan I reckon you dissect movies — you have heaps of blogs that analyse movies.

For Me

1. Punning.
0 point
2. Swearing in Klingon.
0 point
3. Weird or over the top ways of celebrating mainstream holidays.
0 point
4. Dissecting movies.
1 point
5. Wearing obscure geeky t-shirts to “normal places”.
0 point
6. Requiring extra space in the house for geeky things.
0 point
7. Geeky toys/decorations can be hard to explain to kids.
0 point
8. Looking up information while a discussion/argument is still in progress.
1 point
9. Needing to watch certain TV shows ASAP to avoid spoilers.
1 point – I do not really watch TV that much but I do hate it being spoilt I will give myself a point.
10. Geeky projects that take over the house and whole weekends.
0 point

I got 3 points I am happy to fail here!!!

Nathan says:

I failed counting. I actually got seven by my count. So I should dock a point off myself for my mathematics failure.

Dissecting is different to reviewing. Dissecting means pulling apart plot holes, analysing to death and comparing actor’s work in current roles to their past. And I think you’ve got to know the name of directors and stuff.

I won’t take that point.

Candles are super geeky. You get four bonus points. As are glasses. Also, you paint. That’s a point for question 10. You’re geekier than I am.

queenstuss says:

What is the distinction between geek and nerd?

Glasses are not geeky.

Nathan says:

That is a question fundamental to my debate with Robyn – and thus at the heart of my insecurity.

I don’t know.

But glasses are definitely geeky. Not always. But often.

queenstuss says:

I wear glasses. I am not a geek. I’m short sighted.

Nathan says:

You have a blog. I’m sure some people would consider that geeky.

Amy says:

So which is the bad one – Geek or nerd?

I always had the idea that geek was the one with the pen-protector pockets and negilible social skills, and that nerd meant someone who gets excited by comic book movies and is obsessive about strange things (ie the criteria above).

Am I wrong? Is it the other way around?

Nathan says:

I think it’s the other way around. I think nerds get beaten up at school for being social outcasts. I think geeks have their own little geek communities that insulate them from the wider world… but then so do nerds. They’re called “Star Trek Conventions”… I would say Tim (Amy’s husband) is a geek, for example, not a nerd.

I would say, for those familiar with NCIS, that Abby is a geek, while McGee is a nerd.

Amy says:

Geek just sounds worse to me.

But good definition – NCIS makes it all clear.

I’ve just done the test and I am afraid we both are the nerdiest of nerdy nerds.
Will post up a link shortly.