Tag: flow chart

Smalltalk Calendar

Just in case you’re a bit lost for words any month of the year (day of the week), just figure out where you are on this chart and go for it.

Via College Humour.

Females of Fiction Flowchart

This Overthinking It flowchart is cool. Maybe slightly PG.

How to choose what beer to drink

Do you know your lagers from your pilsners? If not, this chart will be really helpful – if so – you probably know what sort of beer you want to drink and may have even dabbled with matching different beers to different meals.

I am constantly appalled that Fosters is Australia’s most famous beer export. Does anybody actually drink it in Australia? And for those who think Jesus drank non-alcoholic wine – here’s a soft drink flow chart.

Totally gay flowchart

Here’s one man’s summary of the arguments for and against gay marriage in flow chart form.

The moral to this story is that when Christians are dealing with political issues we need to keep a healthy balance of “love” with our “truth” – and we need to stop saying stupid stuff.

It’s mostly an American thing – but it’s an interesting way to present both sides of an argument.

Via here.


NASCAR is the world’s dumbest motor sport. Here’s a flowchart guide to success.

Go with the flow

Another useful flow chart (from here)…

Sadly, I realise that today is Wednesday, which means I missed my YouTube Tuesday post for this week. Thanks to the magic of wordpress it will appear in the past when I find a video worth posting.