This debate has raged on through the history of St. Eutychus. I maintain that the terms are not synonyms, but highly specific nomenclature to describe two distinctly different subspecies.
From BitRebels.
This debate has raged on through the history of St. Eutychus. I maintain that the terms are not synonyms, but highly specific nomenclature to describe two distinctly different subspecies.
From BitRebels.
Aha. Worst. Pun. Ever.
An open letter to whinging geeks,
Whinge. Whinge. Whinge. It seems the more of a tech geek you are the more you don’t like the Apple iPad. It doesn’t do what you want it to do. So it’s a bad device. Wrong. It’s a good device precisely because it’s simple and it will revolutionise the way the rest of the tech world (ie “normal people”) do things online, and read media. You think too small.
You know what. Nobody makes hardware for hardcore geeks. They know you just want to pull it apart, overclock it, or install pirated software. All I hear about from my geek friends, and tech geek blogs, is that the iPad is a terrible piece of equipment and Apple are the anti-tech. Apple have pretty strick policies about what can and can’t be installed on their phones, and now on the iPad. I say good on them. They know their stuff best. Perhaps they don’t want you to install background apps because they’ll slow the processing speed of your phone down and ruin its performance. And then you’ll complain. Because you’re (geeks) whingers. They say (or at least Steve Jobs does) that part of their rationale is to keep pornography out of the hands of children (and adults) and I commend them for that.
Apple didn’t invent the super duper tablet computer that you were wishing for as you sat on Santa’s knee last year. But so what. You’re not their market. You’re such a small corner of the market that you are insignificant, and you’ll probably buy one anyway, just so that you can whinge about it not living up to your expectations. It’s their call. They’re a company. They have responsibilites to shareholders (and customers) to make products that make money. They make money when people want to buy their stuff. People want to buy Apple’s stuff. They’re pretty good at what they do.
If you want a tablet computer that meets your needs – build it yourself. Oh that’s right. You can’t. You’re not capable of fitting everything they do into a manageable size. You’re all talk. For now, you should just obey these ten commandments (when the iPad reaches Australian shores)…
It is possible to be a geek about so many things. From here.
So, you like robots?
That’s probably a pick up line about as likely to get a teenage geek anywhere as just about every other pick up line they might use, that is to say, not very far.
But if you do like robots, and you’ve got a bunch of time because you’re a single teenage geek, then maybe you should head over and check out this attempt to draw 165 Robots with Stuff…
So Robyn has had her Mac for a while now. She was very excited when it arrived.
Well, today mine arrived…
It’s beautiful.
It’s very nice.
In honour of Tetris’s 25th birthday I give you this. A geeky Tetris wedding cake. Beautiful. No doubt my wife (and little sister number 1 – who made our cake) is thankful that we’re already married.
This is part of an article featuring geeky wedding cakes which also featured this Mario cake…
These soaps are obviously designed to lure geeks into the shower. And it just might work… but grapefruit scented? What were they thinking.
Geeks love overclocking. Making their computers more hardcore than the out of the box version.
My wife loves this clock. And geeks will too. $US20 from Etsy. Found via Boing Boing.