Tag: Lego

Minifig history

Here’s a great Flickr set of historical figures rendered in minifig glory…

Lego Mario Bros

This giant Lego Mario statue is for sale on eBay. For another day. It’s currently at 3,500 Euros.


Minifigs are great. Especially knitted ones. But if you don’t want to order a customised minifig from brickarms for your A-Team Lego movie you may have to build Mr T piece by piece…

Like this…

There are heaps of these on Flickr.

Including ninja turtles…

Comic book characters…

And transformers…

Taking the “O” out of Lego

I love Lego. If you ask me why I want to have children one of the reasons high on the list is that I’ll get to play with Lego again.

The worst thing about Lego is that it hurts when you tread on it. It hurts a lot. Someone should invent cuddly Lego…

Oh wait, they have. You can even buy a knitting pattern.

And look, he comes apart…

Found here.

Block knock offs

An artist/photographer named Mike Simpson has taken a series of classic photos and recreated them using lego. Check out the gallery here.

He’s done everything from major political and cultural events…

Through to sport…

Shirt of the year: Really

I normally call my shirt posts “shirt of the day” – but this one is exceptional. A shirt with a built in Lego base plate. It’s the ultimate in customisability.

Available from ThinkGeek.

Lego bricks and mortar

Fixing up collateral damage from World War Two has been an expensive proposition. More than 60 years later a European bloke got so fed up with the holes left by explosions in Berlin that he patched the holes with Lego.


Imagine a world where playing with your food is obligatory. When towers of biscuity goodness are limited only by the height of your roof. Are we on the same page?

Ready. Set. Go.

Pieces of eight bit

This video is rightly being hailed as the best lego stop motion 8-bit tribute of all time.

It’s a pretty small pool I guess – but all the typical post fodder is included – Pacman, Mario and Tetris make an appearance…


Luigi is the forgotten Italian Plumber. Less cool because he wears green and was pretty much a lackey, or a bit player – an 8-bit player no less – in the Mario Bros saga – it’s not the Mario and Luigi bros is it… and Mario gets the girl…

Luckily someone out there is still holding a torch/flame/candle (whatever the expression is) for the green guy – because they produced this awesome Lego statue.

More pictures of Lego Luigi here

New kids on the block

Have you seen that video of all those prisoners doing the Thriller dance? It’s really moving and emotional and stuff… well, this is better.

YouTube Twosday: Legolibrium

Equilibrium is a good movie. If you like badly adapted dystopian fusions of 1984 and the Matrix. Which I do. So it’s awesome that this guy has created lego versions of scenes from the movie…

YouTube Tuesday: Lego of the past

Ahh Lego and Super Mario Bros, and Lego and Pacman… Gold.

Pacman arrives about a minute in to this one…

Anatomically correct

Late last year I posted the anatomy of a minifig – a nice little view of what’s inside your favourite lego men, making them tick. The guy who showed us how minifigs work is back – now showing us how people work – and there’s a little bit of lego in all of us…

And he’s also given us the run down on what’s inside the humble gummi bear…

Hub cap

There should be a maxim when it comes to USB hub designs – “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”. Let me show you what I mean. Here are eight USB hubs that should arguably never have been invented – and one bonus one within the list that I’d actually buy… see if you can pick it.

  1. The stone
  2. The potato
  3. The Tulips
  4. The Conch
  5. The Hearts
  6. The Strawberry Chocolate Cake
  7. The Grapes
  8. Lego
  9. The Nautilus Shell