Tag: novelty kitchen stuff

Swiss Army Utensils

If you want your kitchen running as efficiently as a Swatch watch – and as secure as a Swiss Bank – then perhaps you need one of these utensil holders.


That heading is not a typo. It is a reference to possibly the newest, greatest, craze about to be launched on the culinary world – biscuits on a stick. Made possible by this great little invention.

Ahh… It’s a trap

No it’s not. It’s a cheese knife and cutting board set. Shame it’s not actually for sale. I’d totally buy one. They’re available here. I’d love to buy one. And then my wife would totally make me give it to someone as a present.

Found here.

The guy behind the product design has some other cool ideas.

Like this.

And this.

Update – it turns out a lot of the really cool ideas I’ve linked to before were designed by this guy and the company he works for – worldwidefred.com – you can buy their stuff from Amazon and a host of other novelty kitchen suppliers. Like here.