Tag: YouTube Tuesday

YouTube Twosday: Turtle power

Little sister number 2 is 21 today. It’s her actual birthday. She is contemplating a pet turtle as a present from the parentals – here’s a little bit of persuasive multimedia propaganda… featuring our crazy ninja turtle Frankie.

YouTube Toosday: Con job?

Young Cons – the Young Conservatives (unless it’s a parody) have some issues separating America from the “Kingdom of God”… but this is pretty funny.

“The more money we spend the more mine is worth jack, the Bible says we’re a nation under God…”

Umm, that’s probably the Pledge of Allegiance you’re confused with…

YouTube Tuesday: Entertainering

Giant Pianos are the new black (and white), or at the very least the new Dance, Dance, Revolution.

Sadly, there are heaps more where that came from.

YouTube Tuesday: Chk, Chk, Boom

There’s a slight language (and racism) warning to this video. Though I assume that unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve already seen it.

Opinion on this whole situation – where a 19 year old gives a fake eyewitness account to a TV camera after a non-fatal shooting – is pretty split. I’m in the “I think this was a hilarious way to teach the media a lesson about verifying sources and not looking for a sensationalised quote at all costs” camp.

Seriously, reporting of this sort of shooting with “on the spot, live to air” broadcasts – or even rapid fire report filing – lends itself to this sort of treatment. And I hope she (Clare Werbeloff) rides this 15 minutes of fame as far as it takes her. The media deserve it – and the associated condemnation/celebration being carried out in print and over the airwaves just perpetuates the problem and justifies the behaviour.

YouTube Twosday: More animal coffee

No, not the stuff that’s been through the digestive tract… but latte art featuring friendly mythical animals… and pigs.

YouTube Tuesday: Amazing basketball video

YouTube Tuesday: An Atheist on evangelism

This has been floating around for a while – but I haven’t posted it yet. It’s timely based on the emails I’ve had flying back and forth between my atheist friends and myself today…

It’s magician Penn Teller, renowned atheist, encouraging people who believe in hell to evangelise – and presenting an interesting set of instructions for evangelistic methodology.

“How much do you have to hate somebody not to evangelise…”

YouTube Tuesday: Now coming to a Friday near you

Latte art is one of my favourite things. I am not very good at it. At all. But I reckon with enough practice I could do this:

The related videos are also pretty cool. Some would suggest the “paintbrush” technique is cheating.

YouTube Twosday: A tale told palindromically

This is clever. Very clever.

Youtube Tuesday: Pacman in real life

French prankster Remi Gallard has won a couple of nathanintownsville guernseys* in the past for his outrageous stunts. Today he wins a feature for his real life Pacman efforts – the funniest I’ve seen so far (real life Pacmans that is). Especially when he eats someone’s golf ball for a power-up. There’s a subtitled language warning hear (and possibly a spoken one too – I didn’t have the sound on)… but it’s funny. And thematically appropriate…

YouTube Tuesday (a day behind)

One of my favourite EA sports games was the Rugby League 96 game featuring commentary from Channel 9’s commentary team – with no Phil Gould. I hate Phil Gould (except when he’s coaching NSW). One of Paul Vautin’s frequent pieces of commentary advice was for people who did something stupid to “give themselves an uppercut”. This guy took that advice literally…

YouTube Tuesday: White men can’t dunk

Like this one? There are heaps more on this page. Is there something wrong with me? I take great pleasure in watching these people hurt themselves.

YouTube Twosday: Classics in one minute

So the dog video was not the best video ever posted on YouTube – these may be close. Classics movies presented in one minute… Kill Bill 1 and 2, and Forrest Gump…shot in one take. Brilliant.

YouTube Tuesday: Fun meets Functional

This is a clever little car ad. It has a dog. It’s 15 seconds. Perfect viral fodder.

I will try to find a better YouTube Tuesday video for today – but for now this will suffice.

YouTube Twosday: Segway segue

Lets face it. Despite my constant references to the gyroscopic personal transport device Segways have not taken the world by storm.

Perhaps the underlying technology was just not used to its full potential. Maybe. Just maybe. Someone should have considered how much more awesome a segway would have been were it based on an octopus. With tentacles instead of wheels. What do you mean someone has already done that?  Why are all the good ideas taken? It’s called the Cajun Crawler – and here it is in action…