My top five rules for blogging

I have been meaning to post this since reading Ben’s reflections on blogging. I’ve noticed that a lot of people I know start blogs (and I get really excited). And then the blog dies. After about a week. Mine didn’t. So here are my tips.

  1. Blog regularly
  2. Don’t blog for comments
  3. If you want hits, write lists
  4. If you need to write about stupid stuff in order to keep writing, then write about stupid stuff.
  5. If you want regular readers comment regularly elsewhere.

I’m going to turn this into a little series and expand on each idea during the week. In the meantime, share your tips in the comments.


Amy says:

6. If you don't have anything interesting to say, don't say it

I disagree. I think disinteresting posts are the backbone of momentum.

Mikey Lynch says:

And link to other people's blogs too. Be courteous and share the love.

Amy says:

Maybe 6. should be, more truthfully, stay true to yourself. And to me, just blogging for the sake of blogging isn't what I'm about. But for some, it will work.

Nathan says:

Blogging for the sake of blogging will work for everyone who wants to blog regularly.

If you wait until you have something profound to share you'll say it to an audience of nobody. Or at least only to people who added you to their list of subscriptions and then forgot about you.

Blogging for the sake of blogging is absolutely the best way to build momentum and to build an audience.

Nathan says:

But I agree, it's a question of the reason you blog to begin with – do you want an audience or want to record your thoughts.

And whether you want to blog habitually or sporadically…

davemiers says:

i agree. good list.

Andrew says:

#1 is the hardest… but I'm trying!

Simone R. says:

A great list. Especially #1.

[…] Yesterday I posted a list of my top five rules for blogging. […]

[…] are all five tips, and here’s my post on the first […]