I put out my last media release an hour before I finished work last Friday. It was about a new regional economic development planning framework. It was a pretty big deal for us so I was thrilled that our Economic Development boss let me put out a media release containing the following:
“This will be a map, a guideline for the future, comprehensively,” she said (as a Haiku).
And this.
“We will be working with representatives from the regions to consider the next 20 years of development in North Queensland.”
“The goal is to ensure that our services and infrastructure are developed strategically in order to meet future demand,” she said (as a vaguely rhyming pair of sentences).”
And then this passage inspired by the governator’s veto.
I am proud. very proud….too proud for more words than that.
Thanks Anna, I've been wanting to do this for four years. I'm going to post my ten favourite Media Release headlines shortly, I think those are better.