The punning computer

Some computer scientists have spent their time, and dedicated their expertise, to creating a punning monster. Puns, after all, are jokes by numbers – and computers speak a language of 1s and 0s.

Here’s how it works.

Here are some of the results.

How is an unclean tinned meat different from a pampered sacred writing?
One is a soiled spam the other is a spoiled psalm.

What kind of pre-school has wine?
A play-grape.

What do you call a washing machine with a September?
An Autumn-natic Washer


simone r says:

I'm laughing so hard that my abs hurt. They are terrible!

Anika Q says:

I have often thought that if sarcasm is the lowest form of humour, then punning must not classify as humour.


Goannatree says:

hey they are better than i expected…