Author: Nathan Campbell

Nathan runs St Eutychus. He loves Jesus. His wife. His daughter. His son. His other daughter. His dog. Coffee. And the Internet. He is the pastor of City South Presbyterian Church, a church in Brisbane, a graduate of Queensland Theological College (M. Div) and the Queensland University of Technology (B. Journ). He spent a significant portion of his pre-ministry-as-a-full-time-job life working in Public Relations, and now loves promoting Jesus in Brisbane and online. He can't believe how great it is that people pay him to talk and think about Jesus. If you'd like to support his writing financially you can do that by giving to his church.

Zombies attack Queensland…

The Queensland Government is launching a new disaster management web portal, to do so, they’ve run a trial on the basis of a zombie invasion. Inadvertently causing a bunch of chainsaw wielding vigilantes to run around hacking up teenagers in hoodies with their vacant stares and dribbling propensity for gibberish. Well. That’s not true.

Getting the deputy commissioner of police to talk about a zombie attack is pretty brilliant.

In case you are interested in psychologically preparing your children for the upcoming zombie apocalypse – here’s a book for kids.

Get it on Amazon.

Perhaps you also want to ward zombies off from your door. This door stopper might help.

If you want some zompocalypse survival tips you can find some previous posts on the subject here.

An infographic featuring popular infographic types

Just in case you’re planning to put together a viral hit.


From Flickr.

Food fun from around the interwebs…

Rather than posting all of these separately, here are some food related stories I currently have in my queue of stuff to blog.

Peel garlic in 10 seconds

I want to try this. It’s amazing.

How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds from on Vimeo.

Make your own marshmallows

Serious Eats has a quick run down on making marshmallows.

I had no idea it was this easy. I probably should have. I know plenty of people who have made marshmallows – but the home made version has never really struck me as being as good for toasting, or putting in hot chocolate.

Make a biscuit bowl

This has been doing the rounds – but it seems so much smarter than trying to make a bowl in the inside side of a muffin tray… has a recipe for biscuit bowl success.

Cheeseburgers at home

Maybe it was self discipline, maybe I just forgot – but I didn’t take advantage of the amazing $1 cheeseburger happy hour deal that McDonalds was running as a birthday celebration.

Lifehacker tried to figure out how much it would cost to make a cheeseburger at home. They calculated the cost at $1.38. That’s a cheap lunch.

Some “Babushka” knives

These don’t just look cool – they’re conceptually cool in their use of Fibonacci ratios.

Details on Design Sojourn. You can buy ’em for millions (well, hundreds) on

How to stay famous forever: Make your name a noun

A long legacy amongst the broadest number of people requires a reductionism that turns your name into some representation of a particular achievement.

We remember and continue to honour very few people from the past in daily conversation. Sure, if you had to come up with a particular person when answering a question it’s possible that you “remember” them, but often that requires research. Charles Babbage. For example. Invented the computer. Some of you no doubt remember that – but we don’t have any great reminder about his work. If computers were called babbages, then we’d never forget him. Anyway, here’s a song that better explains the aim for anybody who wants to be remembered. Become a noun.

Wanna Live Forever? Become A Noun from NPR on Vimeo.

Stop motion Ninja

Contains violence. Ninja violence. Featuring toy ninjas.

Ninja from Olivier Trudeau on Vimeo.

A Twitter tribute to Steve Jobs

People are saying that Steve Jobs is our John Lennon. Or something. I can sort of see it. But cancer isn’t a gunpoint assassination. And technology isn’t music. Anyway. Watching the outpouring of grief on social networks surrounding the death of this admittedly pretty amazing guy has been pretty culturally revealing. Christians fall into a few camps – some have expressed hope that Jobs found Jesus, some have pointed out that a life lived for success on this earth is hollow, I did both. Some have thanked Jobs for the impact his products had on their ability to do ministry. I don’t think the Westboro Baptists are Christians. But they announced via iPhone on Twitter, that they’d be protesting Jobs’ funeral because he had a man made platform and didn’t acknowledge God, and he promoted immorality. Or some rubbish like that, pretty much ignoring any positive moral contribution Jobs may have been responsible for with his long term opposition to pornography.

Anyway. Those reactions are neither here nor there, so far as this post is concerned. Apparently more people tweeted about Jobs than about any other celebrity who has died in the Internet age. The tweets came faster, and lasted longer… Twitter made this graphic, posted on Flickr, using tweets about Jobs from yesterday, as their tribute. And I think it’s an interesting use of data.


If you check it out in its original size you can read the tweets.

Amazing timelapse video of amazing places in our amazing world…


Landscapes: Volume Two from Dustin Farrell on Vimeo.

So much beauty. I don’t normally go for proofs of God’s existence from the natural world, because I think Jesus is a better starting point, and that while the world is meant to reveal a creator Romans suggests its almost human nature to suppress that knowledge… But it’s hard to watch this and not believe in a designer.

Smurfs in real life…

Not quite so cute now. Are they. When you think about it, Smurfs are more likely to be anthropomorphised rodents than little hominoids.

The artist, Nate Hallinan explains his approach

“The Smurf is actually the result of a symbiotic relationship between two organisms. We believe that Smurfs put their ’embryos’ in the button of a developing mushroom. From a distance, Smurfs seem like they are wearing a hat and pants but as you can see this is a fallacy. The fungus provides camouflage and protective epidermal layers for the creature, while the creature provides nutrients and mobility for the spreading of spores.”

Free PR Advice: Don’t cry over consumed milk

2% Partly Skimmed Milk Splash
Image Credit: Robbie’s Photo Art, Flickr

One of the big rules of the internet age, especially when emails can be circulated and become viral in, well, seconds, is never put anything in writing that you don’t want going viral.

PR companies should know this. Which is what makes this email from the boss of a PR consulting firm to his staff particularly special.

“So, I am gravely serious when I write this – if I catch someone not replacing the milk, or at least, in the case where the downstairs store has close already, not sending an email to the office so the first person that arrives (usually Christa or me) can pick one up upon arrival – then I am going to fire you. Im not joking. You will be fired for not replacing the milk, and have fun explaining that one to your next employer. This is not a empty threat so PLEASE don’t test me.”

Now he’s saying it’s all a big hyperbolic joke, and there’s been a misunderstanding… but that’s trying to shut the gate after the horse has bolted. Here’s the story on Business Insider.

Tumblrweed: Bad Lip Reading

Bad Lip Reading makes me laugh every time. Here they take on Michelle Bachmann.

And a music video…

And who can forget their take on Rebecca Black’s Friday…

Infographic: Nerds v Geeks

This debate has raged on through the history of St. Eutychus. I maintain that the terms are not synonyms, but highly specific nomenclature to describe two distinctly different subspecies.

From BitRebels.

Stopmotion animation (GIF) of stop motion puppetry…

This is amazing. I’m going to have to post about ten more things so it’s not giving those of you reading on the homepage a motion enduced fit. But wow.

Boing Boing posted this but appear to have deleted the post (also check out the old skool Apple themed design they’re rocking).

Some initial thoughts on Facebook’s Timeline

There’s a shortcut doing the rounds. You have to be a Facebook developer, which is incredibly easy. And only other developers will be able to see your new profile until they’re made public (you can sign up to get one when they’re made public here).

Facebook Timeline looks impressive. Don’t believe me? Let Don Draper convince you… That video is a mashup of a Mad Men pitch for a Kodak product and details about Facebook’s new profile format. It was created by a guy named Eric Leist.

I’ve got to say – I like these changes and this new design more than I’ve liked anything Facebook has done before, change wise. I’m not one of those people who complains about redesigns. I mean. Look what Facebook looked like when it launched. Navigation is intuitive – and it’s fun looking back through my own story, I’m looking forward to browsing through other peoples’ histories too. That’s what Facebook is for. Right?

Anyway, here are some shots from my sneak peak.

This is a “summary” of photos I was tagged in in September.

And places I visited.

Pretty nifty.

A significant time…

This could be game changing for businesses and churches in terms of creating content with some legacy value, there’s something nice about having an entity’s history there to play around with.

Bacon Gothic: A Bacon Font

Delicious. And perfect for your next meaty missive.

Love it, designed by Henry Hargreaves, via Dripbook

May the force be with your train trip…

I like this marketing campaign. It’s Japanese. It’s for Star Wars, for a new boxed set. What a clever use of everyday items…

Some details here.