Author: Nathan Campbell

Nathan runs St Eutychus. He loves Jesus. His wife. His daughter. His son. His other daughter. His dog. Coffee. And the Internet. He is the pastor of City South Presbyterian Church, a church in Brisbane, a graduate of Queensland Theological College (M. Div) and the Queensland University of Technology (B. Journ). He spent a significant portion of his pre-ministry-as-a-full-time-job life working in Public Relations, and now loves promoting Jesus in Brisbane and online. He can't believe how great it is that people pay him to talk and think about Jesus. If you'd like to support his writing financially you can do that by giving to his church.

John Lennox on science and faith

Like the rest of evangelical Australia I’m a bit of a John Lennox fan at the moment. His turn on Q&A last week was a masterful attempt at presenting the gospel graciously in a relatively combative adversarial format. Those critical of his content (and I’ve seen a couple of Christians suggesting he could have answered a couple of questions better) should pay heed to the format, and the way both Eva Cox and the ABC’s moderator Virginia Trioli were keen to jump in on him before he could finish answering their questions. He articulated the need for forgiveness and the intellectual legitimacy of a God who intervenes in creation in a personal and relational way. I thought he did a stellar job. I thought Virginia Trioli’s banging on about circular reasoning was a little bit annoying because truth will essentially be self authenticating and circular, circular reasoning is a fallacy, but it’s not a defeater.

Anyway. Here’s John Lennox on a topic I wrote an essay about this semester.

Some cute/kitsch Christian music for your Friday night edification

There’s something irresistible about this video, maybe it’s the matching colours. Maybe it’s the bright house. Maybe it’s the incongruous dog. I don’t know. It’s certainly not the worst or weirdest Christian music on YouTube.

Nor is this, which apart from the ghostly severed heads is pretty cute.

Monkey see, Monkey shoot

It turns out it’s less dangerous (as you’d expect) for a monkey to get hold of a camera, where they’ll take delightful self portraits

… than it is for a monkey to get hold of a machine gun.

Guy makes awesome Iron Man costume, sticks to magnets

I don’t know if the last bit of that heading is true. What is true is that somebody put together a pretty awesome replica of the Iron Man suit Tony Stark built in his desert captivity.

According to this little write up of the process – he took 100 days to pull off this amazing feat. And he started with just pliers and a stanley knife. And of course, some inspiration…

Via Hack’N’Mod

Jellicious: Jelly Art a solid concept

The following pictures are amazing, delicious, and made entirely out of jelly.

More details about the jello mold competition here.

On a serious note…

A while ago I started a second, or was it a third, blog. It’s called Venn Theology. I promised to post serious stuff there. I’m still figuring out the balance for what goes where. But you’ll find, if you look, that I’ve posted some stuff this week. One of the things I’ve posted, is, I think, of particular value. It’s a social media strategy. Or the framework for one, for promoting Christian events. Perhaps it will be of some use to you, perhaps not. I’m ju

Noted: Tea towel that looks like paper

If you want your kitchen to look like a stationery shop. And I mean. Who wouldn’t. Then you could start that ball rolling with this tea towel. I don’t know how you’d finish that ball rolling. But that’s not for me to decide. I’m not here to tell you how to run your life. Or decorate your kitchen.

The site is in German. And can I just say, for the record, that I think Google is doing its best to undo the work God did with the Tower of Babel. That’s actually the opening of a book I once started writing. That one day, if I give up writing on my blog, I might finish. But I doubt it.

Did you know I’ve nearly hit 5,000 posts here. If each post is longer than 150 words, on average, I’ve written more than a novel. That’s amazing. What’s also amazing is that this has nothing to do with note paper teatowels, except that if you printed the pages of my blog on note paper tea towels you’d have to use a lot of tea towels.

Shirt of the Day: Pi(rate) Chart

Brilliant. For a bit of pirate chatter/an explanation/product details check out the post on the blog.

Sadly shirts aren’t available all year round, almost worth subscribing just in case it comes up again.

More on “Christian” Gaming

Popular gaming blog Kotaku has an interesting article on a Christian Game Developers conference they tagged along to recently. Telling mostly for this para on what adding “Christian” in front of a media type does for a non-Christian audience. I’ve written a bit about Christian video game stuff before, this is basically an update on that front.

““Christian,” as an adjective, arrives with a lot of freight in the secular world, especially as branding within entertainment media and markets. For example: Christian TV programming, Christian radio, Christian rock, Christian books and bookstores. To the secular mainstream, it’s all assumed to mean insipid edutainment, ulterior-motive prosleytization or oogity-boogity intolerance. So Christian game developers, simply by identifying themselves as such, are up against that assumption of intent.”

The article is a worthwhile read if you’re interested in gaming specifically, or Christian isolationist approaches to the arts in general, because it shows a nice way to approach participation in a cultural/media industry.

Surviving the Zompocalypse in style

You may have missed previous tips for surviving the impending Zombie Apocalypse here at St. Eutychus.

But here’s something to add to your survival kit. Or to add your survival kit to. A customised shotgun containing a survival kit. It’s almost a one-stop-shot. Aha. Ahaha. Lets see how people laugh when you’re saving them by blowing the heads of zombies, or teenagers in hoodies (accidents happen), with this bad boy.

This shotgun customisation comes with built in compartments for all your basic needs, and a mounted torch/compass/knife combo that will keep you mangling zombies in the dark.

And what survivalist shot gun wouldn’t be complete without a Bible verse.

Someone should make a zombie pull-a-part bread roll

This Zombie Doll from Neatorama spawned that brilliant idea in the title. Zombie bread rolls would sell in the tens. If not the hundreds. As would zombie “my family” stickers. I’d like to make “My Dysfunctional Family” stickers.

The Dismember-Me Plush Zombie is a real thing though. Unlike those two ideas.

Photographic Rube Goldberg Machine takes the art of portrait photography to new level

Impressive. I love a good Rube Goldberg Machine.

Type face: software that models fonts on your face

Font whizzes Hoefler and Frere-Jones have come up with a pretty nifty and amazing little way of tweaking fonts. It is said that symmetrical faces are more beautiful, so beautiful people will doubtless make nicer fonts.

“Behold Andy modeling his latest creation, which employs Kyle McDonald’s FaceOSC library, GlyphMath from RoboFab, and Tal Leming’s Vanilla to mutate the geometries behind our Ideal Sans typeface in realtime.”

Check it out in action.

font-face from Andy Clymer on Vimeo.

Via Kottke

It’s not Friday

R-B. Rebecca Black. Chances are this won’t get over 160,000,000 hits on Youtube. There’s a law of diminishing returns operating here. But I’m happy to extend R-B’s fame to 16 minutes.

The many deaths of Sean Bean

Sean Bean has made an artform out of the dramatic and graphic cinematic death. This video contains 21 examples of his work. Don’t watch it if you don’t handle violent movie scenes well. Do watch it if you want to see the same expression on his face 21 times. It doesn’t matter what era, or if he’s a good guy or a bad guy, he still manages to demonstrate the same perplexed “why me” look each time around.