Category: Christianity

Movement at the QTC station

Speaking of press releases… it was announced to us yesterday at college, and released to the world via a media release, that the Rev Dr. Bruce Winter is stepping down from his role as principal at our college and moving into a role as a research professor, lecturing in New Testament and Systematic Theology.

It’s cool that he’s sticking around, sad that he’s stepping down. So a little bittersweet. I’ve really appreciated Bruce’s hermeneutic and his emphasis on family based ecclesiology. Plus he’s a leading expert on the socio-historical context of the New Testament and going to Greece and Turkey with him was a pretty life changing experience.

That photo sits on his desk. In a frame. Because I put it there.

If you’re an Old Testament/Hebrew expert who wants to fill theses big shoes – then QTC would like to hear from you.

Tips for better media releases

Hey. If you liked my “How to write a media release to promote your church event” post from about this time last year. Then you should check out the twelve tips I just posted as a follow up on Venn Theology. And feel free to comment there with any questions/additions.

Could this be the worst Christian song on YouTube?

Umm. See this post. This is awful. Just awful. Maybe it’s the look on his face. Half constipation. Half naked aggression.

In which the author considers the types of videos he shares from YouTube

For a moment, just a fleeting second, on Tuesday, I had a pang of conscience. I post a lot of videos here that I loosely categorise as “Christians doing stupid stuff and posting it on the Internet”… I was wondering why it is I post such videos. The other sites that do it seem to do it because they don’t like Christianity very much. But that’s not me. I love Christianity. I love the church. I love broken and stupid people trying to serve God with their gifts. And yet. I watch a video like this:

And I think “I just need to post that” – I didn’t post that video on Tuesday, and I only post it now, because it illustrates a point. Stripped of context that video is really dumb. In context, it’s an instructional video for a holiday kids club (judging by the title) that I assume has been uploaded to YouTube to cut down on pointless time in leaders meetings. A nobel aim. One that should be applauded (there are “private video” settings on YouTube though – which are probably more suitable for this sort of thing).

There are Christian videos online, and there are videos from “Christian Culture”… and there are those that just brilliantly highlight what is wrong with some of the parasites that have attached themselves to Christian culture…

Others just contain laughably bad theology.

So, I felt a little guilty about laughing at brothers and sisters in Christ. I thought “people laughed at Noah when he was building an ark, just because something looks stupid doesn’t mean it is.”

Then. I read this post on the Dilbert Blog by Scott Adams called the mockability test. And it kind of summed up why I think we need to call out Christians when they do ridiculous stuff. And lets face it. If God hadn’t directly said to Noah “build an ark I’m going to flood this place” – it would have been pretty ridiculous to build a massive ark and start collecting pairs of animals (I might be looking at you, creation museum builders).

Here’s a snapshot from the Dilbert article:

“I have a theory that some sort of mockability test would work like a lie detector in situations where confirmation bias is obscuring an underlying truth. In other words, if you believed that hard work often leads to success, and yet I could easily make jokes about it, that would be a contradiction, or a failure of the mockability test. And it would tell you that confirmation bias was clouding your perceptions. To put it in simpler terms, if a humorist can easily mock a given proposition, then the proposition is probably false, even if your own confirmation bias tells you otherwise.”

What I really want, when I post these videos, is for any of my readers who are interested in seeing the gospel being spread to their neighbours to take stock – and make sure that everybody in any of their flocks, spheres of influence, or family, avoids doing stuff that makes Christians a laughing stock.

The cards are stacked against us as it is with our counter-cultural gospel without us building extra obstacles onto our culture. You know the type of obstacle I’m talking about. The type that makes it look like being a Christian requires twirling flags around and speaking in tongues, or being completely off your face (though I’d put those people in the “calling out heretics” category not in the “hey this is slightly wacky” category), or just looking like an idiot. And I want non-Christian readers to go “yeah, those people are on the fringe of Christianity and converting doesn’t mean I have to have a lobotomy”…

So that’s why I’m going to keep posting videos of Christians doing dumb stuff on the internet. Because family members do dumb stuff all the time – and it’s loving to call them out on it in the hope that they’ll stop. It’s tough love.

What do you think? Should we be mocking videos of Christians, or people calling themselves Christians, doing stupid stuff? Are there reasons I haven’t considered for, or against, my argument?

The lengths kids will go to to avoid boring church

Don’t be boring and your parishioner’s kids won’t steal their parent’s cars. This is what Eutychus would have done if cars were around.

“Kinetic Ministry” makes me want to apply palm to face with force…

So it works. Right? I feel a movement. Check out this guy, Caleb Brundidge, who is one of the “drunk in the spirit” mob I’m so fascinated by. Except he’s a dancer/DJ.

Here’s the little blurb that came with this video:

“Caleb Brundidge Is sensitive to the atmosphere as here since the presence of Angels stirring up the earths atmosphere.”

This is the blurb that he posted on this next video. Of himself flag dancing.

“Caleb is a awesome Flagger He moves in dance and flag worship like none other. You must watch this Video of Him flagging.”

Here he is doing “church” with some sort of Superman cape on…

When he “worships” with flags it opens up portals in the atmosphere. Like Moses opening the Red Sea.

They use the terms of Christianity. But I do not think it means what they think it means.

On a slightly related note – here’s another video from Australia’s own “New Mystic” – Matt Foord. Watch for the “Cockadoodle Doo”…

Christoga: It’s Yoga + Jesus

I have a nagging feeling that I posted this – or something very much like it – once before. I couldn’t find it. I wonder what Al Mohler thinks of this

I wish this was a joke. Really.

Possibly the Oddest Christian Child Star you’ll see today

This guy’s name is Matthew Matney. And he’s all grown up (now). Back when he wasn’t starring in amateur theatre in a town called Branson he was a Christian child star.

So awful. So very awful. I feel sorry for kids who grow up with this sort of dirty laundry aired on YouTube. And here I am perpetuating it. But lets all try to learn a lesson from this and:

a) Don’t post videos of your children on the Internet.
b) Don’t encourage your children to do stupid things that might get posted on the Internet.

Pastor Anderson: How to play guitar in church

For those struggling to get the music in church right, and looking to use more than the “traditional piano and organ”… you can play any song in the hymnal with just C, F, and G.

Justin Bieber: an “effeminate little sissy” says Pisseth Against the Wall pastor

Steven Anderson likes to say controversial things to get attention. It works. Here’s his take on Bieber Fever.

It’s pretty much all because the NIV translators use the word “male” instead of “men”… and being effeminate is a sin. See 1 Corinthians 6:9. In the KJV because that’s Anderson’s preferred version.

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

I suspect, given the Roman cultural context of the passage, there may actually be some homosexual undertones to this word (certainly there’s reference to that in the ESV translation notes). The ESV translates it as:

9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

Here’s the Greek – which means Mr Anderson isn’t being very nice to Justin Bieber.

μαλακός,a \{mal-ak-os’}
1) soft, soft to the touch  2) metaph. in a bad sense  2a) effeminate  2a1) of a catamite  2a2) of a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man  2a3) of a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness  2a4) of a male prostitute

Once you’ve jumped on the meterosexual hating bandwagon – here’s how to doorknock… I love the way he listens.

Shirt of the Day: A visual guide to the men of the Bible

I’d buy this if it didn’t only come in pink.

From here.

Cyclone Yasi

I’m a bit concerned for my Townsville friends (and friends scattered throughout North Queensland) as they prepare for the imminent arrival of Tropical Cyclone Yasi. My first day selling Townsville to the world was the day of Cyclone Larry – this is heaps worse. So North Queensland is going to need a lot of help post cyclone – not the least of their worries is getting tourists back into towns dependant on the tourist dollar.

But images like these are going to make that job difficult. This cyclone is massive and scary. And makes me glad that just over a year ago (1 year and 5 days) we moved south.

Image Credit: NASA

This cyclone is the same size as the US. Almost.

Praying for those I know, and those I don’t, staring down the barrel of this incredible weather system. And thinking about praying that a dislodged branch may fly from North Queensland and strike Danny Naliah down for the stupid dribble he brings out at times like this

It is very sad that this dark chapter in Australia’s history is led by an atheist Prime Minister in Julia Gillard and an openly homosexual Greens leader who seems to be the Deputy Prime Minister by default, both who have no regard for God nor Prayer.

Catch the Fire Ministries president Dr Daniel Nalliah said Julia Gillard was not elected by the majority of the Australian people, but rather the personal decision of two power hungry independent MPs who catapulted Ms Gillard to the top job.

“Are we Aussies all paying for that decision? It is very well known that throughout history, in a time of national crisis, Kings, Prime Ministers and Presidents of countries around the world have turned to God, irrespective of whether they were Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim and asked for help or at least called the nation to pray for protection and for the victims of the disaster,” Dr Nalliah said.

“However, for the past several weeks, right through the flood crisis across Australia, I have not heard our Prime Minister call the people of Australia to pray and ask God for protection and for help for the tens of thousands of people who have become victims of this major disaster,” he said.

I’ve said it once. I’ve said it twice. The man is Christianity’s equivalent of an ambulance chaser. With the same propensity for cashing in on people’s misery in order to benefit himself.

John Piper ruins Twitter again…

The impetus for my Mark Driscoll Ruined Facebook post was a post from elsewhere (linked in that one) suggesting that John Piper’s incredibleness had ruined Twitter because he spawned so many imitators.

I’m hoping this tweet doesn’t get repeated too much. There are some Bible verses that just aren’t really cut out for pulling out of context and moralising:

Ponies for Jesus

If you want to buy a birthday present for the little girl in your life – daughter, sister, niece or friend – or perhaps for an effeminate friend – you should most definitely consider investing in one of these:

It’s a Praise Pony. Because My Little Ponies are the spawn of Satan. What do you think the Four Horsemen ride?

Kerusso – the company who made the ponies – don’t seem to have them on the web any more. But they do have “God’s Girlz” – Barbie dolls without the associated self image stigma.

Via A Little Leaven.

A biblical guide to picking up girls…

Step 1. Hold around the waist.
Step 2. Lift.

No. That was a bad joke. This is a video promoting Song of Songs pick up lines. It looks like it features Ben Witherington IV (which I assume is what Ben Witherington III would name his son?). I really have no idea if it is. I made that up.