Tag: Chris

Wave goodbuy?

I scored an invite to Google Wave thanks to Chris – though his blog is defunct and linking to it seems cursory at best.

It seems to be one of those products that will be good once it gets to a critical mass. There’s only so much fun you can have talking to your dad with both of you saying “is this working”…

Once people are using it to collaborate and share files and stuff it’ll be good.

It will just be dangerous if you accidentally type something in one wave that’s meant for another and the person you’re waving to sees it before you delete it. Typing comes up on the screen in real time. Without you needing to submit stuff.

That has the potential to be more embarrassing than reply all.

The interface is really nice and clean, and fairly straightforward. I’ve been flying blind – I haven’t watched any of the video tutorials yet – and so far it has been fairly simple to work out.

If you’ve scored a wave invite you can find my gmail address right at the bottom of the page.

Video kills the local preacher

Well, not literally. But the second post in the debate on video preaching over at toph-online has just been reposted after a hiatus (first post). I wrote a long comment on this post. I was a little bit angry – but it’s a helpful discussion.

Here’s the final summary of my thoughts on the matter on that post. Which you should read – along with the previous posts, and the comments. I think.

“Video preaching driven by the preacher is inherently arrogant, and video preaching driven by adherents is inherently idolatrous.”

As you can see, I’m not a fan. But there’s a lot of interesting points made on both sides of the debate.

Be my friend

You can now be my “friend” here via Friend connect (unless you’re a subscriber then you’ll have to actually physically visit my blog) or see if this link works.

I only really added this friend connect thing to see if it made a difference when valuing my blog. Largely because Chris’ blog is worth over $5 million and mine’s only worth $500 and I want to figure out what made the difference. Also, it’s made by Google – so it must be good right?

The valuation thing took off after Simone posted it – and most people seem to be worth much more than me, though mine is worth slightly more than hers. It seems to be based on weird factors. I think advertising space is one of them – but I’m not going to sell out with adwords here just to boost my blog’s fictional value.

Coffee School

Robyn, Chris, and I are going to coffee school tonight at Coffee Dominion. Should be fun. It’s pretty much all you can drink coffee – and we are learning about the following:

  • Espresso Extraction (hopefully I know a bit about that already)
  • Latte Art (I’m pretty hopeless at that)
  • Espresso Machine Care (I think I have a good grasp of the advanced side of that – like replacing parts – but not so much on the regular stuff like backflushing and descaling).
  • Cupping – I am really looking forward to this part.

I’m taking the camera and will no doubt give you all a run down tomorrow. I’m pretty excited.


There’s been oohing and ahhing over the weekend as some Google Earth watchers thought they might have found Atlantis. The blogosphere went crazy over the idea. Chris just posted a link to the googleblog today. Sunken mythical cities don’t really excite me. But this idea from the googleblog does. And google would be one company with the resources to make it happen.

“But we could map the whole ocean using ships. A published U.S. Navy study found that it would take about 200 ship-years, meaning we’d need one ship for 200 years, or 10 ships for 20 years, or 100 ships for two years. It costs about $25,000 per day to operate a ship with the right mapping capability, so 200 ship-years would cost nearly two billion dollars. That may seem like a lot of money, but it’s not that far off from the price tag of, say, a new sports stadium.”

That would be cool. And cheaper than building a real life, working, death star or Enterprise – or whatever was in those links I posted for calculating the cost of unrealistic science fiction technology a few weeks ago.

Late night ramble

We just enjoyed watching Safin v Federer in the third round of the Australian Open. I am a Safin fan, and I like Federer and Robyn is a Federer fan and likes Safin so it was a fun game to watch. It should have gone for longer but I’m glad it didn’t because now it’s late and time for bed. 

But before bed I’d like to plug Chris’s new blog. He’s called it “toph-online” probably because he still wants us to call him “Toph”. Anyway, it’s two days old and he’s mostly blogged about Obama – but who hasn’t mostly blogged about Obama this week. Welcome to the blogosphere Chris. Here’s a cheap plug.