Tag: YouTube Tuesday

YouTube Tuesday: Side hug rap

I’m a little late posting this one…

“When I hug people I leave room for the Holy Spirit…”

Just in case you’re stupid enough to think this video is serious – “Christian Side Hugs” are one of the most popular topics put forward on the Stuff Christians Like blog

Christians also like white boy rappers who have very little sense of rhythm.

YouTube Twosday: Bullet Time

The Matrix was, as far as I know, the movie that introduced bullet time to the world. I could look it up. But I’m pretty sure it’s true.

Here’s some super slow-mo bullet time. Super slow-mo is the coolest thing ever. I love it in sports coverage. I love it just as much when it’s videos of bullets smashing into things.

YouTube Tuesday: The Matrix as a Russian silent movie

That title pretty much speaks for itself I think…

Feel free to share your own YouTube finds in the comments.

YouTube Tuesday: Catapulted to success

Do it yourself weaponry looks fun, but short of making a few glove guns as a child I haven’t really made anything…

These are inspiring. If you’ve got other DIY weapons YouTube videos (especially explosive ones) post them in the comments…

I found these here – where there are a few more trebuchet videos.

YouTube Tuesday: Music to my ears

It’s Tuesday. Which means it’s time for another round of YouTube Tuesday. And another chance for you to share your favourite videos in the comments.

Here’s my contribution.

If you read this and you don’t post your own video in the comments (using the little youtube link on the top right of the comment box (you just have to post the URL to the video not the embed code)) it’s like I’ve put my hand up for a high five and you’ve left me hanging. Not cool.

YouTube Tuesday: Reader favourites

Right. I should have posted this earlier. But today was Annual Report deadline day. I was busy.

Now is your chance to post your all time favourite YouTube videos in the comments for all to see.

It shouldn’t be too hard. I’ll put one there (you’ll have to click on the comments link to see it).

YouTube Tuesday: Video by request

Hey peoples.

I want to try something new this week.

My new commenting platform, IntenseDebate (which you should try out) gives you the ability to add your own YouTube videos.

So I’m thinking that rather than post my own YouTube video this week you should all post your favourites. I’ll put a post up. I may even put my own favourite video in the comments. And then you can all go nuts.

If it works I might occasionally have a YouTube Tuesday category like music or something funny… I’m not holding high hopes. Because most of you are pretty slack at commenting (based on the ratio of regular visitors v commenters).

Here’s a couple of samples…

YouTube Tuesday: Monkeys and Segways

I really can’t think of anything interesting to say about this video. It speaks for itself.

YouTube Tuesday: the Auto Tune edition

Better late than never…

Some science… with Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan

Some news…

Some advertising…

And finally, a joke you can play on your minister…

YouTube Tuesday: Kid ay?

If the North Queensland lifestyle had an iconic album it would not be Kid A – despite the reference to an endemic verbal tick. Ay.

Pitchfork has just listed the top 20 albums of the decade. And Kid A was number one. Here’s a nice little paragraph from their review.

“Radiohead were not only among the first bands to figure out how to use the Internet, but to make their music sound like it, and they kicked off this ridiculously retro decade with the rare album that didn’t seem retro. Kid A— with its gorgeously crafted electronics, sparkling production, and uneasy stance toward the technology it embraces completely– feels like the Big Album of the online age.”

And here’s a live version of the first song from the album…

More Hollywood learning experiences

Today we’ve learned a couple of lessons about Hollywood plot devices – cool guys not looking at explosions and the Willhelm Scream… continuing in that vein we have the current horror movie plot device of choice – mobile phones that don’t work (contains some rude words).

You just don’t see that happening in the classics…

YouTube Twosday: the second coolest thing you can do on a skateboard

The coolest thing you can do on a skateboard is fall off and hurt yourself.

The second coolest thing you can do on a skateboard is strap neon shapes to your head and create a scene from Tetris.

You get less points for getting the geometry of Tetris wrong – but style points for trying…

YouTube Tuesday: Explosions

So it’s Wednesday today – but Tuesday was a bit of a write off thanks to a stomach bug and an endless stream of comments to moderate…

But I’ll make up for it. Promise. With this song that points out a particularly interesting cinematic phenomena – I’d never noticed it before. But I’ll leave it to the band to explain…

YouTube Tuesday: Kanye do this?

The second PR lesson we can learn from celebrities is courtesy of Kanye’s now infamous crashing of the stage at the MTV Awards. Stupid thing to do really.

The silver lining came from Beyonce – who Kanye was advocating for – when she showed how to act with grace, and class, and brought Taylor Swift back on stage.

And now, Kanye has gone “viral” with spoofs already happening.

YouTube Tuesday: God’s Top Guns

Worst. Ministry. Commercial. Ever.