Month: February 2009

Wipeout – it’s no knockout

Novelty Australian game shows probably hit their peak with It’s a Knockout.

If not then maybe the original Australian Gladiators. 

They hit new, unimaginable, lows with the Australian version of Wipeout. Watching stupid Americans hurt themselves was pretty compelling. Watching Australian trailer trash stand up and say “I’m representing all the female bus drivers in Australia while carrying my son’s first tooth” is less compelling. 

Also painful was seeing the personal trainer who was “the fat kid at school” yell some stupid catch phrase, and the horribly unattractive 38 year old single IT consultant in rainbow socks pitch herself to prospective suitors was just nasty. Ouch. Watching her crawl through mud saying “this isn’t what I had planned. This isn’t how it was supposed to turn out” made me wonder just what she was expecting.

I guess the pierced forehead was meant to be a turn on too?

7.51pm – Where did they get these people from? Angus Tandy “the Human Cannonball” seemed like the most normal one of the bunch. And he was wearing a white jump suit with racing stripes.

YouTube Twosday: so good it had to be posted

When I was a young lad I spent a lot of time playing with GI Joes. Call them Barbies with guns. Call them a terrible influence on a developing psyche. I call them awesome. So this movie, complete with ninjas, is on the must see list.

YouTube Tuesday: What’s the number for 911

Thanks to Pete for introducing us to that one.

A much nicer font

This is a much nicer font I made using that very cool YourFonts tool. nathan-biro

You can have it. For free. Download by right clicking and “saving as”. I don’t really expect anyone to use it. It’s just an example of what you can produce using that site.

I know it’s not in the league of my dad’s fonts. Like Foxjump (zip file).


Which was used by the Tasmanian government in its “love this” campaign.

But I spent way too much time today playing with that site.

K-Ruddy handout

For those who missed the news today – K-Rudd is giving something back to the workers of Australia. $950 a pop. The comrades in arms who have contributed to our time of economic prosperity. No doubt we’ll also be told to spend this cash to help stimulate the economy.

So now the question is “what to buy” – I wouldn’t mind spending it all on crappy USB products from Hong Kong… but can I suggest that if you want to make a positive contribution to reducing the abortion rate in Australia that you check out Free Money for New Lives a support service for mums who would otherwise have abortions.

The campaign was put together by a bunch of bible college students in Sydney and is a nice way for Christians to do something about the issue rather than picketing clinics where women are making pretty intense emotional decisions and are often close to psychological breaking point.

The group splits contributions between a couple of organisations. One aims to financially help mothers who want to keep their babies but are worried about the cost, and the other is a think tank – the Womens Forum Australia – that:

“works across the usual political and religious divides, to advocate for life affirming, pro-woman alternatives to abortion which would enhance women’s freedom to have their babies.”

In the end probably a much better cause than spending your money at “Brando” – which is a USB gadget seller based in Hong Kong. Spending your money off shore isn’t going to stimulate the economy at all anyway, so K-Rudd wouldn’t endorse that.

My font


I finally waded through the YourFont masses and created a quickly written font of my handwriting (right click and save as). This font was constructed with a stubbed niko, two stubbed nikos actually the first was out of ink.

I think I’ll play with this again later.


I passed 600 posts four posts ago. That’s a milestone of sorts. My posting rate growth is probably not sustainable – 346 of these posts came since October 2008. The other 258 were spread over a two and a half year period.

Stacks of fun

One BILLION DOLLARS. That’s what it looks like people. It’s in $100 notes and is a US billion. Which is different to the rest of the world. So it’s 10 million $100 notes.

The same artist has also stacked up your life* in Rolex hourglass sand.

*81 years.

Via Gizmodo


Fonts are fun. I shared a link to this site in the “best bits” post below but it’s worth a post all of its own.

YourFonts will create a font from your handwriting for “FREE” (as in beer). Will upload mine when it’s done.

Hot chips

The debate rages. I received a bunch of comments on my Facebook status on the question of the superior brand of chip. Here’s an interesting little bit of chip trivia. There are two main players in the Australian chip producing landscape. Arnotts and Smiths (a Frito Lay distributor).

The Real McCoy produce Kettles, Samboy and Tasty Jacks (as reported April 08 – but not reflected on their website). They also distribute Pringles.

Smiths produce Smiths and Red Rock Deli.

Here I was thinking that Red Rock Deli was a successful little boutique chip start up made good. Oh well. Their sweet chilli and sour cream line still scores highly on my taste-o-metre.

Here’s my top ten “potato chip” varieties – this excludes Twisties, Cheezels, Burger Rings,  and Cheese, Doritos, CCs, and Bacon Balls – I do appreciate all of those on their merits.

1. Red Rock Deli – Lime and Black Pepper
2. Red Rock Deli – Sweet Chilli and Sour Cream
3. Tasty Jacks – Chicken
4. Kettles – Crunch Cut BBQ Grill
5. Pringles – Texas BBQ Sauce
6. Red Rock Deli – Morrocan Spiced Chicken and Lemon
7. Smiths – Thinly Cut Thai Sweet Chilli
8. Tasty Jacks – BBQ
9. Kettles – Honey Baked Ham
10. Pringles – Sour Cream and Onion

Honourable Mention – Smiths – Thinly Cut Roast Chicken – for longevity.

The best bits – February 3, 2009

Crocs in the backyard

Stuss has posted a little bit of news that has been circulating on the local radio today. A crocodile – reported to be between 2.5 and 3 metres – was hit on one of Townsville’s main roads at 3am today. You need to remember that most people* in north Queensland are fishermen so that figure should be taken with a grain of salt and some chips.

One of the things that is particularly idiosyncratic to the North Queensland psyche is this “siege mentality”, or something close to that, regarding how the rest of the world sees us. The rest of the world thinks North Queensland starts at Gympie. When as far as we’re concerned North Queensland (the government statistical region) starts at Ayr and extends to Cardwell. Townsville is the capital of this region. Far North Queensland stretches from Cardwell to Cooktown. Townsville is also the capital of that region.

We, in Townsville, don’t like it that people attribute things, like Port Douglas’ population of crocodiles that regularly “interact” with local children and animals, to everyone in “North Queensland”. And we don’t like it when cyclones hit somewhere more than 200km away and we all get tarred with the same brush. The confusion is widespread.

Greater north Queensland is anything from Mackay North – and again, Townsville is the capital of that region. Confused? Well weather producers around the country are too – so much so that I was once asked to draft a letter to send to them pointing out that Townsville is much bigger than Cairns and has a bigger economy. We don’t have the penetration in the national psyche that Cairns does thanks to its position as a tourism destination.

Much of the confusion was initially created by Townsville’s “twin city”, Thuringowa, which robbed us of vital population statistics for many years. That confusion has not yet been eradicated by the council amalgamations. But maybe one day Townsville will receive the recognition it deserves.

This is particularly likely if we continue to experience phenomenal weather events and have crocs wandering the streets at night.

It’s a problem of capitalisation. Townsville sees itself as the “capital” of all the different nominal definitions of north Queensland. We are the largest city in northern Australia. Bigger than Darwin (which also suffers a “split personality”). The other “capitalisation” confusion comes when describing north Queensland – we describe greater north Queensland with a little “n” but specifically refer to our part of north Queensland with a capital N. North Queensland is at the heart of north Queensland. Townsville is at the heart of the heart of north Queensland – so we are rightfully the capital. Confused? Good.

*gross exaggeration


This new printer is going to give caffeine addicts a new quick fix. Struggling through the onset of a caffeine headache? Just eat that document you’ve just printed.

That’s right. This technology uses used coffee grounds as ink. That’s a printer that would be pretty sustainable in our household. Currently we put our coffee grounds in the garden. It’s a labour intensive printing process – but ink is pretty expensive and apparently bad for the environment. 

Found via Slashdot.

No smog

You may have heard that the atheists are banding together to advertise. In possibly the weakest advertising campaign ever they’ve booked some bus billboards and are running this ad:

That’s right. The best they could do was “there’s probably no God”. Talk about not being able to stand on their convictions. The call to action – “now stop worrying and enjoy your life”. Over at the solapanel Mark Baddeley has a great post on what’s wrong with this campaign. I’m all for freedom of speech.  And it seems this campaign is making a very secular society consider the question of God’s existence – which can only be a good thing. 

The reason I’m writing this post is there is a most excellent site where you can make your own bus ad

Here’s mine:

There's probably no smog. So go outside and breathe deeply

There's probably no smog. So go outside and breathe deeply

Kind of lame – but I started with “there’s probably no dog” and then tried a series of words that rhymed with dog. I’m sure I could do better. But this makes what I believe is an important statement.

So, if you’re a dissatisfied atheist, or a theist with a better idea than a smog slogan, share your slogans in the comments, and go make your own.

Shirt of the Day: Caffeine

Cool shirt from Digital Militia  – a website that offers a range of your favourite products in molecular form. That’s caffeine in the image above.