Harnessing your blogdom for the power of awesomeness

Jon Acuff at Stuff Christians Like has turned a good idea into a book deal, notoriety, and one of the Christian blogosphere’s most popular blogs.

This week he’s turned his blog into a money raising powerhouse – securing $30,000 in donations for a new Vietnamese orphanage in about 18 hours.

That’s pretty awesome.

Abraham Piper helped out with an interview – and has announced that this week he’ll be focused on raising money for worthy causesstarting with child sponsorship.

I like these ideas. So much that I’m setting up a Tear Really Useful Gift Shop as an experiment. I’d like to buy goats and cows for villages  in the hope that they’ll be called Eutychus.

Click here to buy a really useful gift. Prices start at $5 for fish farms. I don’t expect anyone to buy a cow for $300. But it’s an animal, so I included it in the store – along with some vegetarian options.

If you want to donate part of a cow let me know in the comments.


Amy says:

I am disappointed that you didn't include a toilet in there. I've always wanted to buy the toilet.

But I'll buy this year's Tear stuff through you then.

Nathan says:

I've included a toilet just for you…

Amy says:

I probably can't afford a toilet, but it's good to know I have the option.

Amy says:

Hey, toilet prices have come down obviously!

Who in my life deserves a toilet for Christmas I wonder…