This is why you’re fat: deep fried peanut buttered cookie dough brownie edition

This guy’s series of photos on Flickr made it to Digg and This is Why You’re Fat… The popularity of this concept – a deep fried peanut buttered, cookie dough covered brownie ball – perhaps demonstrating once and for all why America has an obesity problem. I guess this is where my toasted mars bar sandwich concept fails. It’s not deep fried.


Leah says:

Australia has a bigger obesity problem than America, now :P

Well, not numbers-wise, but % of population-wise we do.

Nathan says:

I know. Australia doesn’t have any recipes (from what I can see) on this page though. So that’s hardly a pertinent point. It is altogether a worrying point though. How can we possibly be worse than the Americans when they eat like this. Obviously this isn’t the staple diet, but still…