Off with the birds

One of the reasons my biting election coverage didn’t happen as a liveblog, in fact, the only reason, was that over the weekend Robyn and I took off to the Bunya Mountains for a surprise birthday celebration for her father. Who turned fifty.

Sadly, everybody but caught a violently unpleasant case of gastro. I have a stomach of iron. The upside was that I had the pick of the fridge for 12 hours.

I took the camera. The Bunyas teem with bird life. I’m not a “twitcher” but I do enjoy playing with my camera.

We tried feeding the birds – the others enjoyed more success. But they just weren’t that into me.

Robyn took this photo.

On the other “upside” – I picked up one of those three-in-one DVD collections from Woolworths in Dalby featuring Steven Seagal in his aging best.

Steven Seagal is cooler than Chuck Norris.